
Why give?

We give because God has given freely and generously to us. Everything we have is a gift form the Lord. At Redemption Church, we believe that our giving is a response of worship.

Your giving at work

Your gift supports our mission of seeing countless lives redeemed in Loveland + beyond by supporting our staff, ministries, community and network of churches.

When Jesus commissioned his disciples before His ascension, He said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." At Redemption, we take this command of making disciples very seriously, which leads us to sending 15% of your tithes and offerings straight back out through our Missions fund. This supports work God is doing locally + globally through partner ministries, church planting and missions.

ways to give

Sundays | We don't pass a plate during services, but rather, believe giving is an act of worship between you to the Lord. We have giving boxes located by the exit doors in the sanctuary where you can place your check or cash.

Checks can be made out to Redemption Church.

Regular Online Giving | You can set up one-time or recurring gifts. Access your account anytime via our website or through the Redemption App.

Mail-In Gifts | Checks can be made out to: Redemption Church.

If you would like specify a fund (General, Missions, Building or Benevolence fund) please denote that on the Memo Line of your check.

Mailing address:
Redemption Church
565 N. Cleveland Avenue
Loveland, CO 80537

Already have an account?


Redemption Church has established a Benevolence Fund to help with the urgent, tangible needs of our church members. If you have, or are aware of, a need within our body, please fill out a request form and our Benevolence Team will be in touch with you.

If you'd like to give directly to our Benevolence Fund, you can do so by selecting “Benevolence Fund” through our online giving tool or by writing Benevolence Fund in your check Memo Line.

Thanks to our church body's generous giving, we're able to make these funds available to the needs of our church family! Thank you for giving sacrificially and joyfully.